
Presence in Polaraties

Yesterday we celebrated the spring equinox, which symbolizes the moment when the duration of day and night is nearly equal. It marks the balance between light and darkness, and offers a profound opportunity for us to reflect on the polarities that we hold inside of ourselves.

Holding space for the polarities of life is one of the core principles of Lilac & Indigo. It’s the inspiration behind the name. Lately, I’ve been exploring the relationship between structure and flow. Historically, I’ve had a complicated relationship with structure- most structures  I have existed within have felt constricting to my mind and body so I resisted it for a long time . As I’ve grown as an entrepreneur, I’ve realized  I absolutely need structure, but didn’t want the ickiness of feeling constricted.  

I wanted to explore what it was like to create  my own structures that left room for me to honor my own body’s natural rhythms.

Over the past two years,  I’ve been revisiting different areas of my life and creating more structure around them, like, automating my business, revisiting my mindfulness practices, and even automating  how/when I do my dishes and laundry. I started noticing that I had more time, energy, and presence.I don’t waste energy figuring out what time I’m going to the gym- I’ve already decided. I started using a new project management platform, called Honeybook, which has allowed me to automate 85% of my business interactions in one place, versus wasting energy digging through my inbox to find emails and switching to a different software to send invoices. I’ve even automated check ins with friends.The biggest gift is that if the structure gets disrupted, like when I travel or have a large box order to fulfill,  I’ve learned how to reset, without judgement. I know exactly how to get back into the flow. As I continue to grow and evolve, I plan to keep making tweaks that support my evolution. While this may sound like overkill to some and obvious to others, it’s been a huge game changer for me to hold structure and flow in this coexisting relationship, instead of as opposites.

My invitation to you is to reflect on what polarities you are willing to explore.

Some examples can include….

Rest and Action

Openheartedness and boundaries

Playfulness and Depth

Using Your Voice and Silence

Creation And Destruction

Movement and Stillness

Some Journal Prompts  & Reflections

  • Where do I notice a sensation of tension within my body? Where do I notice a sensation of ease?

  • Are there parts of myself that I am not willing to acknowledge or accept? Why not? Is there something I can offer to this part of myself? Is there something that this part can offer to me?

  • Is there anything I can release to experience a greater sense of balance within my own internal world?

  • Who are the people in my community that make it easy for me to accept my wholeness, the shiny parts and the shadow parts?

  • Is there someone else that I can be giving more grace to? What does it feel like in my body to think about accepting the full humanity of this person? What does this acceptance  look like in action?